You deserve the best! So be careful!

Hey everyone! This is important! ….and a bit long, but PLEASE read!

It has come to my attention that another QC photographer has been stealing other’s images to promote their business. This person charged a “too good to be true” price and reeled people in with amazing (stolen) photos from local photographers and some from other states.

To remain professional, I will not name this person. I’m posting this, because unfortunately in the world of photography, this happens quite often. It seriously makes me want to cry a little as I can’t imagine stealing another person’s art.

Simply stated, I don’t care who you hire for your photographer. (Of course it would be awesome if it were me), but you deserve to have amazing photographs no matter who you hire. Period.

The Quad Cities is filled with AMAZING and super talented photographers. I love them all and I love looking at their work! There is so much more to a photography business than what meets the eye. You may think you are getting a deal by hiring someone that barely charges anything….You may think many photographers are overpriced, but there are so many expenses that photographers are responsible for. Things like:

-liability/equipment insurance

-paying taxes

-tens of thousands of dollars in:



website hosting

studio spaces


legal fees/accountant fees/etc/etc/etc!

and this list goes on and ON.

Do you have to have all of these things to be super talented? No! But if you are going to be a legitimate business you surely need to have/pay for many of these things.

Either way, this isn’t a post about money. This is a post to educate people, because no one deserves to have their memories ruined. I’ve seen it happen and it is so very heartbreaking.

Please. I encourage you. Hire someone amazing. Hire someone whose work you absolutely LOVE. Meet them in person! Sign a contract! And if money is still an issue, ask about payment plans! ….But….most importantly ask questions! Don’t be afraid to get nosy!


Do you have backup equipment if something breaks on my big day?

Can I see several examples of your work? (indoor and outdoor examples!!)

Are you insured?

At the end of the day, listen to your gut. If something seems ‘off,’ it probably is.

Your photos are the only tangible items you will have once your memories are gone. How much is that worth to you? I know I wouldn’t give any amount of money for my amazing canvas art print of my husband and I on our wedding day. It hangs above my piano in our living room and we look at it every stinkin’ day. Or what about this canvas of my stepson under the table with our dog?

Totally. Worth. It.

Now….get out there and hire someone amazing!


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